Bidirectional texture function

Bidirectional texture function (BTF) [1] is a 7-dimensional function depending on planar texture coordinates (x,y) as well as on view and illumination spherical angles. In practice this function is obtained as a set of several thousands color images of material sample taken during different camera and light positions.

To cope with a massive BTF data with high redundancy, many compression method were proposed [1][2].

Its main application is a photorealistic material rendering of objects in virtual reality systems.

See also


  1. ^ a b Jiří Filip; Michal Haindl (2009). "Bidirectional Texture Function Modeling: A State of the Art Survey". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 31, no. 11. pp. 1921–1940. 
  2. ^ Vlastimil Havran; Jiří Filip, Karol Myszkowski (2009). "Bidirectional Texture Function Compression based on Multi-Level Vector Quantization". Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 29, no. 1. pp. 175–190.